Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I'm going to be busy with other matters for the next two weeks, so no time for any new posts. In the meantime, you may want to check out my old haunts at Elgin Street Irregulars.

This was a little experiment in meta-blogging, as in, a blog about a blog. The blog in question can be found here. The blog being followed is the online diary of an Ottawa woman who writes quite frankly and, some would say, intimately about her life situation.

The meta-blog had been going for over three months unbeknownst to our subject. Members of the metablog used code words so that any internet searches would not accidentally find the site. She was just informed yesterday of its existence. Some think the whole thing is kind of creepy or sycophantic. Most of the metablog was just a vehicle for the metabloggers own creativity, and had little to do with the subject we were following. Much of the content of the metablog is irreverent at worst, satirical at best. And it was all done in fun, and nothing more.

On a cyber-social level, I think it's an interesting study in how those in the blog world need to understand the reactions to their commentary and that all is not transparent out there. It seems evident that sometimes bloggers feel they are acting in a vacuum and feel free to do what they please in exercising there self-indulgences. All they may see is the reaction from the few posters to their site. For example, with the blog site being shadowed by the metablog, there were probably only about fewer than a dozen people who would comment, when all indications were that several hundred people were following her blog.

Anyway, now that the cat is out of the bag it will be interesting how the dynamic changes. She's already started to post comments on the metablog site. If that isn't self-referential, I don't know what is.


At 8/16/2005, Blogger WFKA5M said...

And I may post comments here too, chair. Are you not as self-indulgent as the rest of us?

At 8/17/2005, Blogger coyote said...

Oh, Muse, if only you knew how self-indulgent....but that's a story for another time, as the Brothers Grimm would say. And what's this he says about cats being out of bags? I'm hungry.

At 8/17/2005, Blogger The Chair said...

This is why Heisenberg never blogged.

At 8/17/2005, Blogger 4th Dwarf said...

Busy with other matters for the next two weeks, Chair? Heading off somewhere to get re-caned perhaps?

At 8/17/2005, Blogger coyote said...

Re-caned? Kinky... I would've thought the first time would've been plenty.

At 8/29/2005, Blogger Conch Shell said...

Where are you? Come back


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