What I value (Part 2)
In the interest of fairness, I did the same “what I value” survey for 106 randomly selected men in the same age cohort on Lavalife. See table below.
Humour obviously ranks equally high for both sexes. And, in fact both share the same three out of the top five most valued attributes. I suppose that’s reassuring and may mean the whole Venus vs. Mars thing is a bit overstated. However, I’d like to point out a few differences between the sexes.
Men valued loyalty by a factor of almost two to one compared to women’s value of that trait. Maybe a dog is man’s best friend. That may also explain (and this one surprises me) that men also value respect for pets more than women. I just can’t believe that. Somehow, I think this is deliberate bait for the “must love [enter critter name]” profiles of women on Lavalife.
Not surprisingly, 8% of women valued a work ethic whereas no men listed this in their choices. However, about 9% more men valued open-mindedness compared to women. Maybe women need to become more open-minded about men with no work ethic.
Men seem to appreciate the ability to laugh at one’s self more than women appreciate this quality. Now, the irony with appreciation of this quality in another person does not necessarily imply that one likes to laugh at themselves. I, for example, like to laugh at others more than laughing at myself. However, like most men, I appreciate a woman who can laugh at herself. That way, I can laugh at her, and she can laugh at herself. Everyone is laughing. If she gets concerned that I’m laughing at her, I can say I’m laughing with her and not offend her feelings because she is laughing as well. It improves the compatibility.
Sadly, patriotism doesn’t show up on either sexes radar. Maybe that explains why my friends south of the border had to introduce that Act. That’ll root out Al-Qaeda if any of them are hiding somewhere on Lavalife -- all those profiles claiming “martyr looking for virgin”. I say, good luck getting a date with that pitch.
The logic trail on that last comment gave me a headache. As for your statement "show some loyalty to my hamster", I won't even indulge on whether you were being euphemistic.
I can vouch for the chair, he is a one-hamster man and very loyal to any hamster that comes into his life.
I wonder what you, personally, value, Chair?
Musie and Corrie: I sometimes wonder too.
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